3rd Singapore Pastors Conference: The Mission of God
Jesus tells us that the "harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few". But what exactly is the mission that Jesus has left us to do as His church? In a world filled with so many pressing issues ranging from poverty and climate change to social injustice and war, how are we to know where to focus our labour? Join us as we sit under God's word together to gain clarity and encouragement to labour hard in God's mission.
Key Information:
Date and Time: 9 & 10 July 2024 (Tues & Wed), 9am to 1pm
Venue: Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church
God's Work and Our Work: Expositions from Luke's Gospel by Rev William Taylor
Seminars on:
The Mission of God: A critique of Christopher Wright by Rev Dr Marty Foord
Teaching Malachi by Rev Dr Ben Thompson
Teaching Hebrews by Dr Jonathan Wu
Discipling Single Women (Seminar 1) & Discipling Mums (Seminar 2) by Chew Chern
William and his wife, Janet
Main Speaker:
William Taylor (Rector, St Helen's Bishopsgate, London)
Seminar Speakers
Rev Dr Marty Foord, Principal, Evangelical Theological College of Asia
Rev Dr Ben Thompson, OT Faculty, Evangelical Theological College of Asia
Dr Jonathan Wu, NT Faculty, Evangelical Theological College of Asia
Chew Chern, Women's Ministry Trainer, The Crossing Church